The USB Artillery Hub looks a bit more interesting without anything plugged into it, but it’d be the slightest bit silly to have a hub you don’t use purely for that reason. The hub has 3 different ports, which I’m sure you could probably guess from the picture. When you plug in the USB device, for 3 seconds it will give a artillery sound effect. Which you can hear if you go on the seller’s website and watch the video with horrible sound quality. The Artillery USB Hub comes in green as well as grey. You can purchase it for $12 from Gadget4all.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
File Under :
Fun Gadget,
USB Device
The USB Artillery Hub looks a bit more interesting without anything plugged into it, but it’d be the slightest bit silly to have a hub you don’t use purely for that reason. The hub has 3 different ports, which I’m sure you could probably guess from the picture. When you plug in the USB device, for 3 seconds it will give a artillery sound effect. Which you can hear if you go on the seller’s website and watch the video with horrible sound quality. The Artillery USB Hub comes in green as well as grey. You can purchase it for $12 from Gadget4all.
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USB hub kaya mortir aja tuh :D
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